Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter

Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter

We have used the terms “physical” and “chemical” properties of substances in previous posts, and we will use them frequently in subsequent posts. Therefore, it is important to understand what they mean in chemistry. Each substance possesses a unique set of properties that distinguishes it from other substances. These properties can be classified into two … Read more

Heating and Cooling Curves

What happens to the temperature of a substance when it is heated or cooled? Many students think that temperature increases smoothly from solid to gaseous states but that is not the case.   Heating and cooling curves are often used to depict the temperature changes of substances as heat is added or removed over time. … Read more

How to Demonstrate That Gases Have Mass

The primary states of matter—solid, liquid, and gas—exhibit distinct properties, which we have explored in this post. Now, let’s revisit the properties of gases. We previously established that “Gases have indefinite shapes and volumes but definite mass.” While we explained why gases have indefinite shapes and volumes, we only briefly mentioned that they have definite … Read more

The Fourth and Fifth States of Matter

In the previous post, we discussed the three primary or conventional states of matter: solid, liquid, and gaseous states. We mentioned that these are not the only states of matter and promised to reveal the other two most important states of matter in chemistry: the 4th and 5th states of matter, plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate … Read more

The Kinetic Theory of Matter

The kinetic theory of matter is a scientific concept that is often used to understand the behavior of matter, especially with respect to the motion of its constituent particles. According to the theory, matter is composed of particles that are in a continuous state of motion. Due to this motion, the particles possess kinetic energy. … Read more