Solution, Solute & Solvent Quiz

What is the difference between a solution, solute, and solvent in chemistry?

Can you identify a solvent and a solute in a solution?

Let’s test your knowledge! You can also challenge others on this solution, solute, and solvent quiz to see who knows more.

Have fun while learning this interesting chemistry concept. Do not forget to share.

Should you encounter any confusion with a particular question or answer, don’t hesitate to brush up on your knowledge by revisiting this post: Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Solution

Solution, Solute, & Solvent Quiz

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What is a solution?

2 / 16

What is the solvent in a solution?

3 / 16

What is the solute in a solution?

4 / 16

Lemon water is usually formulated with lemon juice and water. The solute in lemon water is:

5 / 16

What is an aqueous solution?

6 / 16

Kool-Aid is usually made with Kool-Aid, sugar, and water. The solute in a Kool-Aid solution is:

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Which solvents are often used in non-aqueous solutions?

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What is a non-aqueous solution?

9 / 16

Soda is mainly comprised of carbon dioxide bubbles and liquid soda. The solute in soda is:

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What is a saturated solution?

11 / 16

Vinegar is made with with acetic acid and water. The solute in vinegar is:

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What is an unsaturated solution?

13 / 16

The most abundant gas is nitrogen, comprising about 78%. Oxygen is second at 20.9%, with the remaining gases and water vapor making up about 1%. The solvent in air is:

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What is a supersaturated solution?

15 / 16

In sparkling water, carbon dioxide is dissolved in the water under pressure, creating the characteristic bubbles or fizziness in the beverage. The solute in sparkling water is:

16 / 16

In 14 karat gold, other metals like silver, copper, or zinc are added to pure gold to create an alloy with the desired properties such as hardness, color, or durability. The solute in 14 karat gold is:

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