States of Matter Quiz

Matter exists in three main states depending on environmental conditions like temperature or pressure. These include Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous states. These three states of matter have different properties.  

But how well do you understand the differences between the different properties of these states of matter? Can you accurately tell whether a property belongs to a solid, liquid, or gaseous state? Do you know other states of matter besides these three?

Let’s test your knowledge! You can also challenge others on this states of matter quiz to see who knows more.

Have fun while learning this interesting chemistry concept. Do not forget to share.

Should you encounter any confusion with a particular question or answer, don’t hesitate to brush up on your knowledge by revisiting these posts: 

States of Matter Quiz

1 / 24

Which state of matter has definite mass, volume, and shape?

2 / 24

Which state of matter has indefinite shapes but definite mass and volume?

3 / 24

Which state of matter has indefinite shapes and volumes but definite mass?

4 / 24

Which of the following is a property of liquid?

5 / 24

Which of the following is a state of matter?

6 / 24

Which of the following matter has no definite shape

7 / 24

What are the two properties that all forms of matter have in common?

8 / 24

What is the main characteristic of gases?

9 / 24

What causes matter to transition from one state to another?

10 / 24

What happens to air when it is cooled to very low temperatures?

11 / 24

What is the fourth state of matter?

12 / 24

Which state of matter is the most common and abundant in the visible universe?

13 / 24

What is the main characteristic of liquids?

14 / 24

What happens to matter in the plasma state?

15 / 24

What is the fifth state of matter?

16 / 24

What happens to particles in a Bose-Einstein condensate?

17 / 24

In what state of matter do electrons tear away from their atomic nucleus and flow around freely (ionized)?  Hint: This type of matter comprises 99% of the universe.

18 / 24

What is the main characteristic of solids?

19 / 24

Which of the following substances takes the shape of the container and has a definite volume?

20 / 24

In which change is energy transferred from the surroundings to the substance?

21 / 24

A substance has a melting point of -210°C and a boiling point of -196°C. What is its state at -190°C?

22 / 24

Why can a gas be compressed?

23 / 24

Why is energy transferred from the substance to the surroundings when a substance freezes?

24 / 24

Which statement correctly describes the volume and shape of a gas?

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